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CDK Organizer for AWS CDK TypeScript Library

This library contains the core features to handle CDK projects including:

  • Configuration Resolver
  • Stack Groups Loader
  • Naming Utils

Full documentation:


npm install --save @awslv/aws-cdk-organizer

Project Structure

To apply the pattern purposed in this library for CDK projects, the following structure is required:

+-- cdk.json
+-- bin/main.ts

CDK Start Script

The content of the bin/main.ts file should be as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { StackGroupLoader } from "@awslv/cdk-organizer-core";

const app = new cdk.App();
const loader = new StackGroupLoader(app)

loader.synth().then(() => console.log("Stack Groups Synthesized"));

Context Variables

The following context variables are required to the CDK Organizer to work properly:

  • env
  • region

The variables can be set in the cdk.json file:

  "context": {
    "env": "dev",
    "region": "us-east-1"

Or passed as arguments to the CDK CLI:

cdk synth --context env=dev --context region=us-east-1

The env variable can also be set as an environment variable CDK_ENV.

Stack Structure

the stack class needs to inherit from class import { Stack } from '@awslv/aws-cdk-organizer' for AWS CDK.


import { Stack } from '@awslv/aws-cdk-organizer';
import { StackGroup } from '@awslv/aws-cdk-organizer';
import { StackProps } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';

export type S3StackProps = StackProps & {
  bucketName: string;

export class S3Stack extends Stack<S3StackProps> {
  public bucket: Bucket;

    stackGroup: StackGroup,
    scope: Construct,
    id: string,
    props: S3StackProps
  ) {
    super(stackGroup, scope, id, props);

    this.bucket = new Bucket(this, 'Bucket', {
      bucketName: this.getBucketName(props.bucketName)

Stack Group Structure

Create a stacks folder in the root of the project and structure it as follows:

+-- cdk.json
+-- bin/main.ts
+-- stacks/
| +-- <groupName>/
|   +-- stacks.ts

The stack groups files follow this pattern:


import { StackGroup } from '@awslv/aws-cdk-organizer';
import { BaseConfig } from '@awslv/cdk-organizer-core';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import { S3Stack } from '../../templates/s3-stack';

type StorageStackGroupProps = {
  bucketName: string;
} & BaseConfig;

export class StorageStackGroup extends StackGroup<StorageStackGroupProps> {
  public bucket!: Bucket;

  override async loadStacks(): Promise<void> {
    this.bucket = new S3Stack(this,, this.getStackName('bucket'), {

If you are using typescript version <4.3 you need to remove the override keyword.

Using Stack Attributes from Other Stack Groups

In some cases, you may want to use the attributes of another stack group. For example, refer the DNS Hosted Zone created by a shared stack group.

To resolve the group use the this.resolveGroup function in the stack group class, like the example below:

import { StackGroup } from '@awslv/aws-cdk-organizer';
import { RoleStack } from '../../templates/role-stack';
import { StorageStackGroup } from '../storage/stacks';

export class IamStackGroup extends StackGroup {
  override async loadStacks(): Promise<void> {
    const storageGroup = await this.resolveGroup(StorageStackGroup);

    new RoleStack(this,, this.getStackName('role'), {
      bucket: storageGroup.bucket,

If you are using typescript version <4.3 you need to remove the override keyword.

The function getStackName generates the stack name based on following pattern.

Pattern: {module_path}-{name}-{region}-{env}

Consider the following example:

module_path: myproject.myapp.www name: spa region: us-east-1 env: dev

Stack name will be:

  • myproject-myapp-www-spa-us-east-1-dev.

Config Structure

Create a config folder in the root of the project and structure it as follows:

+-- cdk.json
+-- bin/main.ts
+-- config/
| +-- <env>/
|   +-- config.yaml
|   +-- <region>/
|     +-- config.yaml
|     +-- <groupName>/
|         +-- config.yaml

The first two levels are reserved to the environment name and the region name, the next levels needs to match the stack group structure.


+-- cdk.json
+-- bin/main.ts
+-- config/
| +-- config.yaml
| +-- dev/
|   +-- config.yaml
|   +-- us-east-1/
|     +-- config.yaml
|     +-- app1/
|       +-- config.yaml
+-- stacks/
| +-- app1/
|   +-- stacks.ts
+-- templates/
|   +-- stacks/
